An exquisite cake with a dacquoise base, enveloped in brulée cream and white chocolate-based vanilla cream, contrasted with bold black currants – a uniquely flavoured surprise.
Whisk the egg whites with the brown sugar. Then add all the other ingredients and gently blend. Put the mass into 2 baking frames 20 cm in diameter. Bake for 15 - 18 minutes at 170°C. Cool down after baking.
Bring to the boil blackcurrants with the sugar. Then add dissolved gelatine. Pour it into 2 round moulds 14 - 16 cm in diameter and freeze.
Soak the gelatine in the water. Put the milk, cream, egg yolks in a bowl over a pot with boiling water. Stir until the mixture reaches about 82°C and then add the soaked gelatine and the vanilla paste. Mix it all together, pour into silicon mould and freeze.
Bring the water and cream (1) to boil, add dissolved gelatine, then the white chocolate and paste. Blend it all together until the chocolate is melted and cool down to about 25°C. Blend it with cream (2) – semi-whipped. Put the mousse into a mould.
Combine all the ingredients at 45°C using hand blender.
Bring the cream (1), water and sugar to boil, add dissolved gelatine and blend. Add the Mascarpo- ne and mix until combined. Add cold cream (2) and the concentrated caramel paste. Cover with cling film and leave in a fridge for 12 h. When cool, whip the cream and apply using a piping bag.
Pour the vanilla mousse onto the baked dacquoise and place a disc cut out of the frozen vanilla cremeux on it. Next place a donut-shaped ring of blackcurrant jelly on the vanilla cremeux and pour the rest of the vanilla mousse on it. Freeze. When frozen, cover the cake with the white shine coating Barima Artisanal (code 2379). Decorate with portions of frozen caramel cream and the pearly colouring powder Barima Artisanal (code AP0001OR).
Ring of white chocolate 29% Barima Artisanal (code CHB28XXB3)
Mimosa leaves marble Barbara Decor (code 3395)
Fresh fruits
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