A special monoportion for the Mother’s Day. The shape of the cake that fits the occasion, a dedicated chocolate decoration, the right size of the dessert and its unique taste will make every mother happy. Crispy bottom and three velvety and deep-tasting chocolate mousses made of milk, white and dark chocolate.
Used products and decorations
Melt the chocolate with the butter, add the nut paste and the crispy flakes, then mix. Form some thin bottom (Ø9 cm) and put them into the fridge until set.
Dissolve the gelatine in 150 g of boiled cream, pour it into the chocolate and mix to make ganache. Make some syrup from the sugar and the water. Whisk the egg yolks to a fluffy froth, brew with the hot syrup and whip the mixture until the froth becomes nearly white. Blend the whipped cream with the yolk froth and add the mixture to the ganache.
Dissolve the gelatine in 150 g of boiled cream, pour it into the chocolate and mix to make ganache. Make some syrup from the sugar and the water. Whisk the egg yolks to a fluffy froth, brew with the hot syrup and whip the mixture until the froth becomes nearly white. Blend the whipped cream with the yolk froth and add the mixture to the ganache.
Dissolve the gelatine in 150 g of boiled cream, pour it into the chocolate and mix to make ganache. Make some syrup from the sugar and the water. Whisk the egg yolks to a fluffy froth, brew with the hot syrup and whip the mixture until the froth becomes nearly white. Blend the whipped cream with the yolk froth and add the mixture to the ganache.
Use a silicone mould for mini cakes to pour the white chocolate mousse, forming the first (and the thinnest) layer. Leave for a few moments until set. Pour the milk chocolate mousse to form the middle layer and let it set. Finally pour the dark chocolate mousse to form the bottom (the thickest) layer and put the mini cake into the freezer.
Take the frozen mousses out of the mould and coat with some light pink-coloured shiny coating Barima Artisanal (code 2379).
For decoration use the following Barbara Décor products:
Best Wishes plaque (code 33963)
Degas pencil (code 334589).
Check out the photos, recipes, and videos with similar themes. Be inspired and create them in your own atelier!